Saturday, February 27, 2010

parenting a four-year-old

We were watching a parenting TV program for a couple of minutes this morning when the kids first woke up. It was about 2-3 year olds. Candace was watching intently and making several comments. She said two things that were hilarious, at least to me.

Candace: "This show is about 2 and 3 year olds because they are still learning. 4 year olds are good and they know everything already."

Me: "How should I be a good parent to a 4 year old?"
Candace: "Be very nice and say, 'you may have a treat whenever you want.'"


Marie said...

Apparently some of us never age past four years old and still want treats whenever.:)

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

LOL! That's right! She knows how it is!

DeAnn said...

I'll give all your kids treats!